From:Zee Events


To:Cheese Hot dog

Invoice # Cheese Hot dog
Issued on January 16, 2020
Due on January 17, 2020
Balance Due $50.00

Product 0.0

Food Stall (Powered)









Total Owed

Info & Notes

Thank you; we look forward to having you at Zee Events.

Terms & Conditions

In order to secure your space, pre-payment of your stall fee is required by Zee Events. Payment must be made before/on Tuesday before the specified Market Date to secure your space for the upcoming event(s).

Balance of $50.00 is Overdue Make a Payment

Make a Payment

Please enter your payment information to pay this invoice. A receipt for your records will be sent to you. Thank you very much!

Please make your payment into our account 38-9000-0092890-04 using your stallholder name as your reference.


Invoice History

Status Update 1752 days ago

Invoice Submitted: Form #77.

Status Update 1752 days ago

Status changed: Draft to Pending.